
Monday, July 29, 2013

mini loft

My cowgirls share a room.   
They had been sleeping in a crib and a twin bed 
but the 4 year old has been begging for bunk beds for quite some time.    
I had been looking but never sold on what to get.
We have very little wall space so most bunk beds would cover up a window.
We also only have one vent in the room and most layouts would cover it up.
Then it hit me!!!!   
I had a loft when I was in college and it was collecting dust in the barn.
It was really tall and perfect for a college kid 
but WAY TO TALL for a 1 {almost 2 year old} and 4 year old's room.
So I got out a tape measure {and the hubs got nervous}
He then offered to do the cutting for me {atta boy} 
Even though he told me it would be way to low and wouldn't work 
he still  cut where I marked.
I wanted it to sit below the window ledge.
It is about waist high on me.
The hubs now sees my vision.  
I am so lucky that he lets me be me and allows me to try out all my crazy ideas.  
It is SO EASY for the cowgirls to get in and out of it. 
They can climb up the end or just jump on the bottom bed.  
I love the height.   
Both girls have fallen off so far {it’s been up for less than 24 hours} 
and neither got hurt {one laughed, one whinned} 
It is the perfect solution for their room and there is so much more space now.  
The 4 year old is happy to have her "bunk bed".
The 1 year old is excited to have a big girl bed.  
{I was a bit sad to see the crib go} 
I was glad to see my 13 year old loft get a new life
{this is the reason I never get rid of stuff}

Want to see more pictures of their room?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

National Anthem {Rodeo Style}

I love when the National Anthem is sung at the beginning of a parade or a game 
but I definitely have a weak spot for rodeos.   
Photo from Nebraska's Big Rodeos Facebook Page
 Last night we took our cowgirls to Burwell for Nebraska’sBig Rodeo 
and like always I got chills when the 
American flag was presented on horse back and the national anthem was sung.   
To see all the cowboys and cowgirls stand with pride 
for our great nation is downright awesome!  

Cowboys and cowgirls big and small, 
stand up straight, 
take off their hats, 
place their hands over their hearts, 
and all eyes on the flowing flag 
as the rodeo queen races around the arena 
about takes my breath away EVERY TIME!
Photo from Flicker

God Bless America.  I love to see the respect is still STRONG. 
God Bless the Cowboys and the amazing culture they represent.   
The sense of pride, respect and faith is an awesome tradition and one 
I hope never changes!   

 Here are a couple shots we took before we left for the rodeo.   
I wanted get a good shot of all 3, but as you can tell that didn’t happen.  
 Can you guess who is really in charge around here???  :) 

If you have not been to Burwell for Nebraska’s Big Rodeo I would highly recommend it! 
It is a GREAT TIME for the whole family!  
Carnival, booths, fair food, and of course a great rodeo.
 We had a wonderful time and hope to see you there next year!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"quotable quotes"

Hello, it is Wednesday again which means 
Kelsey and I are doing another "the good life" link up.  
I look forward to these each week.  
It is fun to get to know other Nebraska bloggers better!!!!  
This week is.....
"Quotable Quotes"
We simply share different quotes and saying we like.  
I think this will be a lot of fun.  
We will learn a lot about each others personalities through this.  
I am having a hard time picking only a few {so bare with me} 

I broke it down into a few categories

****My faith****


****My Art****


That pretty much explains me and who I am through my "quotable quotes"
I cant wait too learn more about you through your "quotable Quotes
Link up below

Next weeks theme will be......
"Give us a tour"
(Take us on a walk around your Neighborhood, Farm, or Ranch)

1. Follow the hosts:
Kelsey (+Kelsey Homolka) from Keeping Up With Kelsey
Suzi (+suzi campbell) from Chores & Chandeliers 
2. Write a post pertaining to this weeks "theme"
3. Link-Up the LINK (not your whole blog)
4. Hop around and check out other's posts
5. Add the button so other's know you're linking up with us!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

chocolate chip cookie pie

But it is definitely a Suzi HomeFaker Style recipe but I can take ZERO credit for it.
This Recipe is from Tracey at The Kitchen is My Playground

I just HAD to share this recipe is for Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie.
It only calls for ONLY 4 ingredients!!!
Doesn't it look delicious!?!?!?!?

Do you have a recipe that is Suzi Homefaker Style?  

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My favorite blog posts {so far}

WE ARE BACK after TWO weeks off!!!
I have missed you all like crazy!
Kelsey and I are excited to do another  “The Good Life” link-up.

This week’s theme is…
Your favorite blog post 
I don’t honestly have a favorite. So I picked 3, each for different reasons. 
I picked this one because it was my first ever post
and it just so happens that it is also my most viewed post. 
It has over a 1,000 more views then the closest viewed post. 
I was shocked to see this.

The second one is actually not one of my top viewed,
but it has been pinned a lot on Pinterest. 
This one is my "Patriotic Pallet" 
It has been pinned over 200 times from the original source.  
That is not counting how many times it has been pinned off of those pins.
I am so flattered!!!!

 And my last was also not a popular post and is not a DIY.
It is just rambling about a song I like, dirt roads, and cattle drives. 
"Dirt Road prayer" is a heartfelt post about a few things I enjoy. 
I simply enjoyed reflecting and writing this post. 

Do you agree these are my top 3?
What would you pick for my top 3 posts? 

Don’t have time today??
That’s no problem the link is open for 6 days!
Follow me on Instagram (chores_chandeliers)
use the hashtag #nebraskabloggersconnect 

Next week’s theme will be…. 
Quotable Quotes
{Share some quotes you like, that fit you, or just are plain funny}

Monday, July 15, 2013

diy anchor bag {cara box}

Nautical is very hot this season but living in Nebraska it is hard to find!
Well what is a girl to do???
MAKE ONE....and it is {you guessed it} EASY! 
I started out with a basic simple tote.
I cut out an anchor on ordinary paper.
You can use clip art or freehand to get the anchor image.
Position it on the bag and trace {with a pencil}
Once it is traced you simple grab some paint, brushes and some water.
I used a black craft acrylic. 
No real trick just stay in the lines and if the paint gets to thick add a little water.
Let it dry and YOUR DONE!!!!
{told you it was easy}

So now why did I make this????
{other than it is awesome}
Well, I signed up for a Cara Box
A Cara box is kind of like a Secret Santa with bloggers {and non bloggers} 
You get assigned a partner and you learn about them and what they like.
I had Meredith who blogs over at Mer and America.
It is monthly, and each month there is a new theme. 
{you sign up each month so its up to you if you want tot do it every month}
This months theme was NAUTICAL.
I was excited but then quickly realized that nautical is HARD in NEBRASKA!
Especially to stay in the $15 budget {you can go over}
So I had to get creative.
You are also to include at least 4 items in your Cara Box.

What all did I put in mine?
Anchor bag.  Black and white striped scarf.  Sun glasses,  Pink bracelet.  White fedora
Does it look nautical to you???
OK I know nautical is usually navy and white, or maybe red and white.
BUT Meredith told me her favorite color was pink.
So I made a pink balck and white nautical look for her {Nebraska style}

I'd recommend signing up.  It is so fun!!!!!  I cant wait to see what I get!!!
I did not end up receiving a cara box this month.
My partner decided not to send one out to me.
I was disappointed at first,
but I am now just looking forward to
next month and seeing who I will be paired up with!
I had so much fun picking out a great gift for Meredith 
it out weighs my partner not following through.