
Sunday, July 28, 2013

National Anthem {Rodeo Style}

I love when the National Anthem is sung at the beginning of a parade or a game 
but I definitely have a weak spot for rodeos.   
Photo from Nebraska's Big Rodeos Facebook Page
 Last night we took our cowgirls to Burwell for Nebraska’sBig Rodeo 
and like always I got chills when the 
American flag was presented on horse back and the national anthem was sung.   
To see all the cowboys and cowgirls stand with pride 
for our great nation is downright awesome!  

Cowboys and cowgirls big and small, 
stand up straight, 
take off their hats, 
place their hands over their hearts, 
and all eyes on the flowing flag 
as the rodeo queen races around the arena 
about takes my breath away EVERY TIME!
Photo from Flicker

God Bless America.  I love to see the respect is still STRONG. 
God Bless the Cowboys and the amazing culture they represent.   
The sense of pride, respect and faith is an awesome tradition and one 
I hope never changes!   

 Here are a couple shots we took before we left for the rodeo.   
I wanted get a good shot of all 3, but as you can tell that didn’t happen.  
 Can you guess who is really in charge around here???  :) 

If you have not been to Burwell for Nebraska’s Big Rodeo I would highly recommend it! 
It is a GREAT TIME for the whole family!  
Carnival, booths, fair food, and of course a great rodeo.
 We had a wonderful time and hope to see you there next year!


  1. I too love when the National Anthem is sung, especially at a rodeo. And how fitting, the other day was National Cowboy day! What a time to honor our American Heritage. The Cowboy. And us Cowgirls that keep them in line! :)

  2. That's one of favorite things about the rodeo! Long live cowboys!!!!

  3. What a perfect picture of Dad and daughter!

    Shelly @Minettesmaze

  4. The National Anthem and Flag at the rodeo brings a tear to my eye every time! (No matter how many times I've been there!)
