
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"quotable quotes"

Hello, it is Wednesday again which means 
Kelsey and I are doing another "the good life" link up.  
I look forward to these each week.  
It is fun to get to know other Nebraska bloggers better!!!!  
This week is.....
"Quotable Quotes"
We simply share different quotes and saying we like.  
I think this will be a lot of fun.  
We will learn a lot about each others personalities through this.  
I am having a hard time picking only a few {so bare with me} 

I broke it down into a few categories

****My faith****


****My Art****


That pretty much explains me and who I am through my "quotable quotes"
I cant wait too learn more about you through your "quotable Quotes
Link up below

Next weeks theme will be......
"Give us a tour"
(Take us on a walk around your Neighborhood, Farm, or Ranch)

1. Follow the hosts:
Kelsey (+Kelsey Homolka) from Keeping Up With Kelsey
Suzi (+suzi campbell) from Chores & Chandeliers 
2. Write a post pertaining to this weeks "theme"
3. Link-Up the LINK (not your whole blog)
4. Hop around and check out other's posts
5. Add the button so other's know you're linking up with us!


  1. Great Quotes! I especially like the last one, so true! And, the way of life one.

  2. I love the quotes you chose, especially the parenting ones! They hit really close to home.

  3. Oh my goodness! I LOVE your quotes, there wasn't one of them I didn't relate to and appreciate. Good share.

  4. Love how you separated them into categories! I love them all! :)

  5. Im Late but I still wanted to post!

