
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Why I picked my Blog Name

 I'm linking up again with Nebraska Bloggers Connect.
Kelsey from Keeping up with Kelsey and I are co-hosting another link-up.
It is…….
How did you pick your blog name
Chores and Chandeliers
How did I come up with this name?
Well I made a list of like 20 names,
I don’t remember most but a few of the other options were…
Farm Fabulous
Dusty Dirt Road
Random Ramblings from a Redhead
I finally decided Chores and Chandelier fit me well.
Why does it fit me???
Well, I love to do chores, be with the animals, 
get my hands dirty on the farm, and dig into yard work.
I’m not afraid of hard work…..I actually REALLY enjoy it!!!!
I love the feeling of accomplishment after finishing a hard day of work.
I also love getting fixed up and heading out for supper after that hard day’s work. 
This is where the chandeliers come into play. 
I enjoy getting all dolled up!!!!!!
I’m a girly girl too. 
I love makeup, hair, fashion, style.
But, I DON’T ALWAYS LOOK GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also like my place to look good!
I'm always doing a project inside the house or outside on the farm.

I love the juxtaposition of Chores and Chandeliers.
I think it fits me well, for instance…..

I have chickens but the coop has pillars, shutters, and a wreath

My smelly horse barn has a red chandelier

My turquoise and glitter manicure has dirt under the nails.

I LOVE Jewelry and it is displayed on an old screen door.
(it looks so bare in this photo compared to now *blush*)

I have old beat up wood floors, but I painted them with a chevron stripe!

I can often be found dirty and sweaty cleaning up the barns in rubber boots.
But the boots are paisley :)

Next week’s link up is:
Your top 5 must visit blogs! 

Link up below.
I can’t wait to hear how you came up with your Blog’s name!


  1. I LOVE THIS! Hands down, your post is voted the best of our link-ups thus far.... but that means we've only got you and me linked up ;)

  2. I love that red chandelier in your barn and absolutely love your entry way with the chevron stripes! How unique! I have a chandelier in my laundry room and I always get comments like "that's different"...

  3. I'm inspired! If I ever have a barn and a chicken coop (okay someday I HOPE to own both) I'm decorating them.

  4. Oh that is the perfect name now that I can see how you came up with it. B

  5. Perfect name for you!! I feel the same way! A girl that ain't afraid to get her hands dirty! And at the same time, we sure can clean up well. LOL

    Shelly @ MinettesMaze

  6. Perfect name for you!! I feel the same way! A girl that ain't afraid to get her hands dirty! And at the same time, we sure can clean up well. LOL

    Shelly @ MinettesMaze

  7. You nailed it with your title! I dont know if I mentioned it before but thats how I click on random blogs I think would fit me and so when I saw yours I saw the words "i know how to work and get my hands dirty yet have a touch of class too!" Usually it's one or the other so I knew I would like you...and youre from NE which is like just icing on the cake of course :)

  8. I'm jealous of your chicken coop!! I love your blog name, girrrrl it SO fits you.
