
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Painting the INSIDE of your front door

I love a fun color on front doors. 
It has really caught on too. 
When you drive around you so all sorts of fun colors on people front doors. 
I have recently been seeing more and more people
painting the INSIDE of their front doors a fun color. 
I painted mine last year and I LOVE IT!!!!! 
It is {you guessed it} turquoise.
(you have seen glimpses of it when I shared pictured of my chevron painted entry here)
It makes me happy every time I see it. 
It is a shot of color in an unexpected place. 
And it is SOOOO easy to change! 
A quick project that gives a lot of impact.
Not brave enough to paint the whole room a bold color who not try the door?!?!
Is the inside of your front door painted a fun color???
Would you ever consider it???
Shoot me an email with pictures of yours @


  1. I just painted our front door, but couldn't commit to a fun color because of our yucky hunter green trim outside (we plan to change it when we reside the house, but that's a couple years off). What fun color goes with hunter green??? Anyway, I guess I could have done the inside a fun color, but again, couldn't commit. :)

  2. That is so cute! Great idea.

  3. I would definitely paint the inside of my front door! Too bad we rent :(

  4. I love how you style! Love the color of your door and your coordinating accessories. I am gonna strongly consider it! I love to do new things. It may not be new to you but it will be new to the people I know...ha ha ha...I will give credit where credit is due though : )

  5. What a fabulous idea!!! :) Love it!!

  6. This is an awesome idea! I've been itching to do something fun with paint, but right now with us moving soon I don't want to put money into a house that is getting torn down. I'll just live out my dreams through you instead ;)

  7. LOVE it and turquoise was for sure the perfect choice...I love our shared love of all things turquoise : )

  8. Your color choices reveal the adventurous person in you! Turquoise is such a lovely color, and it fits perfectly with your neat and clean white interior. Good job, Suzi!
