
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My cowboy boot addiction

It is no secret that I love cowboy boots!
Actually I love all things western.

I have a bit of an obsession with boots I’d say.
Here is a picture of *some* my boots
I really feel that cowboy boots go with so many outfits!
My all time favorite outfit is a simple dress, statement jewelry and BOOTS!
I feel that everyone needs a pair of cowboy boots.
They ARE worth the investment!!!!
My bestie and his wife are expecting a baby girl *ANYTIME NOW*
They live in Nebraska City, the home of the Fort Western Stores.
So SOON I will be making a trip across Nebraska to meet my {honorary} niece!
While I’m there I will be making a stop at the Fort.
Not only is there a retail location but the catalog distribution center is also located there.
So I am making my list…..
Boots, jeans, and jewelry top the list for now

I don’t know if I can say I have a favorite brand of boots.
But the majority of my families boots are made by Ariat.  
(8 pairs of Ariat's in our house)
I love Ariat Boots!!
They really are SO comfortable…..and last forever!!!
I’d wear them even if they were not comfortable because they look great,
but luckily they are a great boot, 
made for walking,
and dancing,
and working,
and especially for looking fabulous!

DO you have a pair of cowboy boots?
What are your favorite?

Monday, January 28, 2013

My Cowgirl's Valentine Cards

 Yesterday I snapped a few pictures of the cowgirls.
I then used Picmonkey last night (the free version, I’m too cheap to pay)
to make some Valentine's Day Cards for the cowgirls.
I am going to include a squeezable juice drink with them.
Something like this

I love how they turned out!!!
I may be a little bias tho :)

Both cowgirls go to the same daycare and my 4 year old goes to preschool. 
Even though they both don’t go to preschool
I am still sending the same Valentine with both of their pictures on them.
That’s ok right???

The hubs laughs at me because I LOVE HOLIDAYS!  All holidays!
And I may go a bit overboard at times.
But the kids are only young for such a short period 
I want to enjoy the holidays with them.
He jokes that I even get excited for Presidents Day :)

Here is their card from last year!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Door/Hall Tree

I love a quick project!
After painting my front entry chevron wood floor 
I decided that I needed to have a hall tree.
I had an old door outside in the barn waiting to be used.
I drug it in.
Then cleaned it up and propped it up behind the bench.
I wanted to add a shelf/ledge to the top.
A grabbed a 2X6 for the top
and a leftover piece of window trim to dress up the front.
I just used leftover primer to paint them.
I also picked up some wooden shaker pegs
from the local lumber yard for less than $2 for a set f 2.
Then I had to address the empty window hole.
I had a lot of ideas {chalk board, cork board, chicken wire, etc.}
But I ended up going with simply hanging a picture over the hole.
(I hung it with 2 nails them a added sticky tack on the all sides to keep is very stable.
I came together in one day and it is the perfect piece!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I was invited by a friend to join DietBets.
It is a fun website where you make a bet and then who ever accepts the bet joins in.
It is a $10 bet.
The bet is to lose 4% of your body fat in 1 month.
Everyone who meets the goal splits the pot.
The more people who join in the higher the potential winnings.
(we are currently at $80)
If you meet the goal you are guaranteed to get your money back
(and probably much more).
It starts January 28th (weigh in the 26-27th) and ends on Feb 26th.

I would like to invite you all to join in on our bet.
If you would like to accept my bet click here!
It is fast, easy, AND FUN!
Who can’t use the extra motivation?

Nope. DietBet is not a game of chance. 
Believe it or not, your weight is under your control.

Not sure exactly how this works? Still a bit confused?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Dirt Road Prayer

This morning I was listening to a song titled “Dirt Road Prayer”
as I was driving home on back roads after dropping my daughter off at preschool
(she goes to an old country school)
and I had to stop for a cattle drive.
I love reasons to slow down!!!!!
We are always in such a hurry to get from place to place and to be on time!
It was nice this morning to be forced to slow down/stop and enjoy the moment.

As I sat there I thought about….

I love the fact that my daughter gets to experience the country school atmosphere.
(It actually part of our public school system but I love that they are utilizing the building and land)
Country schools are a thing of the past (in MOST areas).
They offered such a personalized intimate learning experience that I feel she is getting. 
And she has amazing teachers!!!

I also love cattle drives.
As a kid I loved to move cattle on weekends. 
I would look forward to it all week. 
I loved to saddle up my horse and ride slowly for miles and miles with the cows. 
It was so peaceful and enjoyable.
You had such a sense of accomplishment when done.
And then the day was always finished off with good food and great company.

I love dirt roads!!! 
When I was in college I would go for a drive and hit dirt roads
just to relax and gather my thoughts.
There is just something about them.
I am so lucky that my home is now down a dusty dirt road. 

And the song I was listening to was PERFECT!
Sometimes god really gives us the perfect moments in life to reflect and appreciate
the many gifts he has given us.
As I sat there on the dirt road,
watching the cattle walk by slowly I prayed and thanked him for this amazing life!

I want to share the song with you!

Have an amazing week!!!!

Suzi @ chores and chandeliers