
Monday, January 21, 2013

Dirt Road Prayer

This morning I was listening to a song titled “Dirt Road Prayer”
as I was driving home on back roads after dropping my daughter off at preschool
(she goes to an old country school)
and I had to stop for a cattle drive.
I love reasons to slow down!!!!!
We are always in such a hurry to get from place to place and to be on time!
It was nice this morning to be forced to slow down/stop and enjoy the moment.

As I sat there I thought about….

I love the fact that my daughter gets to experience the country school atmosphere.
(It actually part of our public school system but I love that they are utilizing the building and land)
Country schools are a thing of the past (in MOST areas).
They offered such a personalized intimate learning experience that I feel she is getting. 
And she has amazing teachers!!!

I also love cattle drives.
As a kid I loved to move cattle on weekends. 
I would look forward to it all week. 
I loved to saddle up my horse and ride slowly for miles and miles with the cows. 
It was so peaceful and enjoyable.
You had such a sense of accomplishment when done.
And then the day was always finished off with good food and great company.

I love dirt roads!!! 
When I was in college I would go for a drive and hit dirt roads
just to relax and gather my thoughts.
There is just something about them.
I am so lucky that my home is now down a dusty dirt road. 

And the song I was listening to was PERFECT!
Sometimes god really gives us the perfect moments in life to reflect and appreciate
the many gifts he has given us.
As I sat there on the dirt road,
watching the cattle walk by slowly I prayed and thanked him for this amazing life!

I want to share the song with you!

Have an amazing week!!!!

Suzi @ chores and chandeliers


  1. The past week we have had such wonderful weather that instead of walking inside on a track I’ve just been walking down our road. One night I walked over 3 miles right before dark and it was probably the most beautiful thing in the world. It just made me happy thinking I have the opportunity everyday to experience such natural beauty in my own back yard.


  2. Ooh just such a good reminder that never gets old! We all need a few moments to take in the beauty and I think God definitely plans reminders for us!

    Thanks for Sharin!

    1. Thank you for stopping by!
      I agree that it was no accident that I had to slow down/stop today!

  3. Great post! I love the song Country Roads by Ryan Bingham- favorite past time of my husband and I before we had Wylie was to go on long drives in the country.

    1. Thanks.
      Oh yes! I love long drives down dirt roads!
      We were just talking yesterday how we don't do it neatly as often with our little cowgirls in the picture! ;)

  4. Yes, Great Post! I think all of us get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life. And don't take the time to just look around. Thank you for sharing that!

