
Thursday, January 24, 2013


I was invited by a friend to join DietBets.
It is a fun website where you make a bet and then who ever accepts the bet joins in.
It is a $10 bet.
The bet is to lose 4% of your body fat in 1 month.
Everyone who meets the goal splits the pot.
The more people who join in the higher the potential winnings.
(we are currently at $80)
If you meet the goal you are guaranteed to get your money back
(and probably much more).
It starts January 28th (weigh in the 26-27th) and ends on Feb 26th.

I would like to invite you all to join in on our bet.
If you would like to accept my bet click here!
It is fast, easy, AND FUN!
Who can’t use the extra motivation?

Nope. DietBet is not a game of chance. 
Believe it or not, your weight is under your control.

Not sure exactly how this works? Still a bit confused?

1 comment:

  1. I heard about this on the Today Show last week :) It sounds like a great idea, good luck! Thanks for stopping by my facebook page, liked your page and now following you on GFC. I look forward to your future posts :)
