
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Farm {fabulous} fresh eggs

Farm fresh eggs are pretty darn fabulous however they are packaged.  I was thinking last week about how I would like to gift eggs as a hostess gift (we are part of formal dining club) but I wanted them look special, not just in a left over egg carton.  I feel that presentation is important, NOT necessary but still important.  I think my art and design background has a lot to do with this.  I looked online and you can buy egg cartons that are blank and in boring colors but they are kind of $$$ (and really not that neat).  So today I decided to make my own Farm Fabulous Egg cartons.  I used {you guessed it} spray paint.  It doesn’t get much easier then spraying on a few light coats of spray paint and wrap a bow around it.  I think they turned out amazing and look more like a gift when presented this way.
Is it necessary? 
Do they taste better this way?  
Of course not
Would people be disappointed if they got delicious farm fresh eggs in an undecorated up-cycled carton?
 Absolutely not
But....I enjoy putting a farm fabulous spin on everything {even my eggs} AND I would feel better about giving eggs as a hostess gift, house warming gift or neighborhood Christmas gift when they are packaged like this.  Just think of all the fun {spray paint} colors and ribbon choices you could do for holidays and events!
Remember my coop?  You can see it here 

Have a wonderful week!!!! 
And if you don’t yet follow me on Instagram you really should be!  ;) 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Keep on keepin' up

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Simply type your email address into the box under "follow by email" 
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You will want to "keep up" with whats going on because I have some exciting news I'll be sharing soon.
My 5 year old cowgirl took a new photo of me yesterday
 for something new and exciting I am super proud to be part of!!!!
I plan to share the deats soon! 
She did good huh????
{and I was having a good hair day, ha ha}

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall in the Sandhills

Today was a beautiful Fall day in the Sandhills of Nebraska. 
I took my camera out to capture it....
I am SO BLESSED to be living in such a beautiful place!!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

no sew fringe scarf

Last week I bought a $3 t-shirt to use as part of my 2 year old cowgirls Halloween costume.  
She is going to be an 80's rocker chick (pictures will be posted when the time comes, I can't wait).  
It was a kids XS.  
I cut approximately 6 inches off of the bottom of T-shirt to make it a midriff. 
I had a 6 inch wide band, of course I couldn't just throw it away!!!!  
SO I decided to make a scarf for my 5 year old cowgirl.  
I just cut slips about 1/2 way into it (from the raw edge)
You can see that I left the hem on the other side. 
I did not measure,  
but if you wanted too I would use a piece of chalk to mark with since it will just dust off.
I pulled each piece of fringe.  
Pulling it makes the edges roll a bit to give it a more finished look.
 I LOVE how it turned out!  So fun and trendy. 
I am LOVING fringe this season!!!!
NOTE: I had made one for me a year or so ago.  I used a Mens L t-shirt.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

cake mix bread recipe {Suzi HomeFaker Style}

A few days ago I posted mini loaves of bread I made for teachers gifts.
I made 3 kinds,
Pumpkin spice, Chocolate peanut butter, & Red velvet cheesecake bread.

Today I am sharing the recipe.
(You can use this recipe to make bread or muffins)
1 box of cake mix
1 box of instant pudding mix
3 eggs
1 cup water
1/3 cup vegetable oil 
Bake at 350 for 20-35 min 
Time varies depending on if your doing mini muffins or a regular bread pan. 
(This recipe makes 2 REGULAR loaves or 6-8 MINI loaves)

Now start having fun....Start experimenting.
Pair up your favorite cake mixes and pudding mixed, the possibilities are endless.

Pumpkin spice bread
spice cake + pumpkin spice pudding

Red velvet cheesecake bread
red velvet cake mix +  cheese cake pudding 

Chocolate peanut butter bread
chocolate cake + chocolate pudding + 1/2 cup peanut butter

You can add chocolate chips or nuts also!!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

mini loaves of bread for teacher gifts

Tomorrow my 4 year old cowgirl turned into my 5 year old cowgirl!  Since it is a school day she will be at preschool in the afternoon.  She loves school and her teachers.  They really go out of their way to make their birthdays a special day.  So we made the teachers little mini loaves of bread.  

We are giving them each 2 loaves.
(She has 3 teachers)
I packaged the up with some twine and burlap.  
(my soon to be 5 year old did the saran wrap, its not perfect but she was so proud of doing it on her own)
Then put them in a gift bag with a note saying 
"Thanks for making my birthday special!

We (the cowgirls and I) made 3 flavors of bread last night....
Pumpkin spice bread
Chocolate peanut butter bread
Red velvet cheesecake bread  
(red velvet not included in teachers gifts, I used them for a few "random acts of kindness" today)

Want the recipes????
They are EASY!  "Suzi Home Faker" easy!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Throw Back Thursday...My Art Work

I always see a lot of old images shared on Thursdays for Throw-Back-Thursday on Facebook and Instagram.
So today I decided to share a piece of my art work on the blog.
I drew it in 1998
(When I was a sophomore in High School, 16 years old)


WOW, I am so glad I saved my old art work!!!!!
There is SO MUCH I'd change if I drew this now,
but it sure is fun to see how I have grown as an artist and how my style has evolved!!!

 I have to confess that I don't currently do as much of my own ART as I would like.  
The last collection of paintings I did were done almost 3 years ago 
(Acrylic on wood boxes)
Seeing these inspire me to MAKE TIME to do my art!!!!
I still "create" often but a lot of what I have been doing is "craft"  I need to get back into creating ARTWORK!!!
So.........stay tuned for some of my new pieces!