
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Where do I blog from?

It is that time again.
This week’s “the good life” link up theme is
So I have a confession
Yes I am a blogger but I don’t have the internet at home
(other than on my smart phone)
Long story short, when we first moved out here I called to get it hooked up
and they said the only one that was available (at the time) was really poor quality,
like worse than dial up and still pretty pricey….NO THANKS!
I just decided to go without. 
I need to look into it again because I hear there are more options now
but we have been out here for almost 3 years and it is working fine...well it's working.
How do I post with no internet???
Well I type up my blog posts out here on my laptop and then when I’m in town I publish.

For Mother’s Day the hubs and the kids gave me this swing
It is awesome!!!!   
Seriously the most comfortable swing ever and the perfect spot to blog!
I had been eying it at the local farm store.
No jewelry for me for Mother’s Day, just shopping at the farm store! :)
It has an amazing view, and located out back by the chicken coop. 
I enjoying watching the chickens out in the run as I type.
 This is the perfect spot to sit relax, watch the kiddos play and type up a new blog post!

1. Follow the hosts:
Kelsey from Keeping Up With Kelsey
Suzi from Chores & Chandeliers 
2. Write a post pertaining to this weeks "theme"
3. Link-Up the LINK (not your whole blog)
4. Hop around and check out other's posts
5. Add the button so other's know you're linking up with us!

Next weeks Theme will be:
Your go to outfit(s)


  1. So, I have the exact same chair! Seriously, I do! And I never even thought to blog that way. Now you've opened my world to a whole new idea :)

  2. It is the best chair huh??? Love it!!!! and its so relaxing to sit outside in a comfy chair and type away!

  3. Funny..I have the same thing hanging from my tree....ordered it about a month ago, hung it the day it arrived..favorite spot in the yard.

    1. That is funny! It is a great chair. I have seats all over the farm but this one is the best! Super comfy!!!!

  4. Ohh my! Your spot looks so peaceful! :)

    1. Thanks. It really is, which makes for a great blogging spot.

  5. I want to live in your hammock chair!! Or maybe I will just hafta get one!
    It would take me foorevveerr to blog from my phone or my kindle. I usually take all my pics with my phone and then upload them to my puter then blog away. And that takes forever sometimes.

    Shelly- Minettesmaze
