
Friday, July 25, 2014

breakfast burritos on the grill

Last week I posted {on facebook and Instagram} this picture.  I have received a lot of requests for my recipe so I decided to make a blog post to share........

Last week my family went camping and we each had to provide a meal.  I had breakfast. One of our favorite breakfasts is breakfast burritos.  I like to relax when camping so I don't want to spend all my time preparing meals. So I decided to assemble the burritos at home, wrap them in tin foil, and freeze them.  Then I just threw them on the grill that morning {they were partially dethawed when i put them on the grill}

My recipe is all approximate, because I never measure!!!!!!

1/2 lb sausage
1 cup hashbrowns (I prefer the chunk hashbrowns but I've used both and both work fine)
6 eggs
1 package taco seasoning
Tortilla shells
Shredded cheese

Brown the sausage in a skillet, season with 1/3 of the packet of taco seasoning, set aside.
In the same skilled cook the hashbrowns and season them with 1/3 of the taco seasoning, set aside.
(I like add in peppers with the hashbrowns when I have them on hand)
In the same skillet scramble up 6 eggs with the remaining 1/3 of the taco seasoning.
Mix the Sausage, hashbrowns, and eggs together in the skillet.
Assemble the burritos in tortilla shells, with the mixture and shredded cheese.
You can either eat them now, OR wrap in tin foil and freeze for later!
Serve with salsa.

This should make about 6-8 burrittos 
{depending on how how big of shells you use and how full you stuff them}

Definitely a Suzi HomeFakeer worthy recipe!


  1. Yum! I love easy recipes especially burritos! Never tried cooking them on the grill.

  2. I love breakfast burritos! Great idea!!
