
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What do I drive???

 It’s Wednesday so once again us Nebraska Bloggers are doing another 
“The Good Life” link-up.
Anyone can join in even if they are not from Nebraska!
The more the merrier.
So if you see a theme and you would like to blog about it PLEASE link up with us!!!!

This week’s theme is…
your vehicle

Drum roll please………..I drive a 2011 Ford Fusion
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
And it had DARK tinted windows which I insisted on when I bought it.
I took it in to get the windows done ASAP after I bought it.
It has GREAT gas mileage and a wonderful car for the 2 girls and 1 but
I do have to admit that it does get tighter when we fit the whole family in it.
I knew when I got it that it was my last small vehicle for quite a while 
and I really wanted to enjoy the good gas mileage one last time.
I use to drive a trail blazer and it was nice to have when
the girls were smaller and I had all the baby stuff to pack. 
But now they are both at an age where I don’t pack so much “extra” stuff
EVERYWHERE we go but they are still small so they don’t take up much space.
Soon I’ll be driving a Suburban, Tahoe, etc. to accommodate the growing family.
NOT growing in number just in their individual sizes! :)

and because I can......
Here is a picture of my first car
(This isn't my photo, I found it here, but mine looks exactly like this)
It was my favorite vehicle ever!!!!!
It was a 1980 Oldsmobile cutlass supreme.  
I bought it 3 days after I turned 16. I paid for it in full on my own.
I was SO PROUD OF IT (and of me).
My grandpa helped me pick it out 
and he told me that your first vehicle should be older then you.
I loved that.  My grandpa is amazing!!!!
It even came with an 8track player! which i quickly replaced with a CD player.

Don’t have time today??
That’s no problem the link is open for 6 days!
Follow me on Instagram (chores_chandeliers)
use the hashtag #nebraskabloggersconnect

1. Follow the hosts:
Kelsey from Keeping Up With Kelsey
Suzi from Chores & Chandeliers 
2. Write a post pertaining to this weeks "theme"
3. Link-Up the LINK (not your whole blog)
4. Hop around and check out other's posts
5. Add the button so other's know you're linking up with us!

Next week’s theme will be….
Your favorite blog post


  1. This is too funny! My mom drove a bright orange cutlass when I was younger just like the one you used to drive. She loved it too!

  2. I drove a 2012 Ford Fusion for training at work and loved it! Super comfortable and smooth. I love that Cutlass! But then again, I love old cars like that.

  3. OMG My 1st car was an 85 Monte Carlo!! LOL Looks alot like that, but mine was tan. Sweet car!! lmao

