
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My go-to-outfit

 It’s Wednesday!
Once again us Nebraska Bloggers are doing another “The Good Life” link-up.
Anyone can join in even if they are not from Nebraska! 
The more the merrier.
I mean we are Nebraskans; we are very welcoming and love to make new friends!
So if you see a theme and you would like to blog about it PLEASE link up with us!!!!

This week’s theme is…
your go-to-outfit

Mine is more go-to-items (I have 3).
denim jackets
cowboy boots 

I wear different jackets, boots and dresses but this combo is definitely my go-to.
I wear this combo to weddings, church, date nights, dances, BBQ’s, showers, etc.

I don’t always wear all 3 together.
But 75% of the time I can be found in at least ONE of these items!
My denim jackets make the rotation A LOT; I wear them with just about everything!!!!
In the summer I’ll wear a dress and sandals (or bare foot) often.
I obviously wear cowboy boots and jeans too.

And my go to accessories would easily be hats and headband!
(Although I do love my scarves, necklaces and bracelets too!)

I’m really looking forward to seeing what everyone else’s go to outfit is.
Don’t have time today?? 
That’s no problem the link is open for 6 days!

Follow me on Instagram (chores_chandeliers)
use the hashtag #nebraskabloggersconnect

1. Follow the hosts:
Kelsey from Keeping Up With Kelsey
Suzi from Chores & Chandeliers 
2. Write a post pertaining to this weeks "theme"
3. Link-Up the LINK (not your whole blog)
4. Hop around and check out other's posts
5. Add the button so other's know you're linking up with us!

Next week’s theme will be….
Your Vehicle


  1. LOVE but you already knew this :)

  2. Very Cute! Also, how could I pass up today's link up... ;)

  3. Love them all! I have a denim jacket that I rarely wear but you did give me some good ideas to put it to good use! And the hats and boots are amazing too!!! :)

  4. OK Totally dig your black boots with the cross! CUTE!!


  5. You just made me realize I need more dresses! I love wearing skirts and cowboy boots, but then I can never find a top I like to go with it. So duh... a dress. I have never really owned a dress that fit well. No I am going to make that my goal. I'm sure hubby will approve! haha
