
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Building a Rabbit Hutch and Chick Brooder

Last week I acquired 7 baby chicks and 2 rabbits.
It all started with wanting to get 2 baby bunnies for my girls for Easter.
I then found a rabbit cage for FREE.
But to get the cage I had to take the rabbit that lived in it :)
I had originally planned to just let the rabbit out (shhhhh)
But she was SO SWEET, I could not let her go.
SO I changed the plan of having 2 baby bunnies
to 1 LARGE rabbit and 1 baby bunny.
I had to add a hutch (and stand) to the cage to make it work outside.
I just used old wood we had stored in the barns.
(I tell the hubs it is worth saving, he doesn't usually see my vision)
Here are some of the progress pictures. 
I snapped some pictures with my phone, sorry they are not the best quality! 
I was too busy excited to run and grab my camera.

Then the next day we had to dig a new frost free hydrant. 
Which of course meant a runt to town to get supplies.
We stopped in at the farm store and it was “CHICK DAYS”.
I did not intend to buy any but…..well….I’m a sucker! :)
So…..we left with 5 rainbow layers.
I quickly made up a chick brooder for them.
It was so easy!!!!
I used….
An old screen from a discontinued window display (from the lumber yard)
Old tote
I simply cut out the top of the tote (I didn’t cut straight).
Then drilled holes through the screen and tote lid.
Slipped in the bolts, washers and nuts.

Where did the other 2 chicks come from????
WELL….the hubs surprised me with 2 little black bantam cochen chicks the next day.
He knew I’d love them...AND I DO!!!
They are such pretty birds, Not the best layers but that’s ok with me 
(I have others for that).


  1. You think thats bad, try working at Orschelns during chick days! Ya, every year I'd come home with ducks. That one year we ended up with 11, and I had all of them named! (And yes you could tell them all apart and I remembered who was who). Those babies will sucker you in watch out! We've decided that since we're moving this summer we'll wait on buying them until we get settled into the new place!

  2. Ha ha I love it! I would do the same thing if I had a place for chicks :D I hate living in the city, I miss having property.
    New follower, and following you via Instagram ♥
