
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

don't pass up cheap lamps again!

It is so easy to find lamps for sale are auctions, garage sale or thrift shops. 
Some are pretty ugly but it is amazing what a little paint will do.
Many people are intimidated to buy lamps because often the plug or cord looks a bit iffy.
They worry about them working or fire hazards.
I spray painted my lamps a blue color using a similar process as when I did the  
Farm Fabulous Chandi.
Then I changed the plugs. 
They had wires showing on the cord from where it was bent for so many years.

You only need....
The lamp cord (UNPLUGGED!!!!!)           
The new plug, which you can buy for less then $2 at any hardware store.
And a pair of scissors
Cut the cord (removing the bad portion)
Take the new plug apart.
Slide the outside portion (brown) down the cord.
Slip the inside part with prongs onto the end.
Push the prongs together and slide the outside portion over.
It is REALLY that easy!!!!
Now next time you see some questionable looking lamps at an auction or garage sale BUY THEM!!!!!!
 NO those are not my hands!!!! :) Those belong to my hubs.
He was afraid of my camera, so I had him do it!

I am a big DIY’er but I also know that many times it’s not cheaper to do DIY projects.
Which is OK sometimes…
·         if you just really want that unique one of a kind piece.
·         if it’s a family piece.
·         if it has special meaning
But sometimes it’s not worth the time, effort, or money put into it when you can buy it brand new for cheaper. 
This is not the case when it comes to lamps!!!
You can save a lot of money by redoing lamps!


  1. Your lamp creations are always so cute!! I wish I had half your talent when it comes to doing these DIY's!!

  2. You make it look very easy. I have a lamp that I need to completely rewire. Have you done that, too? I should look at some of your past posts and see if you've already posted that.

    1. I done have a post on it. But I have done it! Its SOOOOO SIMPLE! Just buy a lamp kit. Its all in one package and you will be shocked how easy it was.
      Then you will wonder why you waited so long! :)

  3. I taught a speech class and assigned a "How to Speech" and one of my students did hers on rewiring a lamp. Found you via the GFC BLog Hop

    1. OH FUN! That's a different speech you probably don't see everyday.

    2. HI there!!! I came across your blog and love it:) HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you!! I have become your newest follower!!! I'm Hanna and you can find me anytime at

  4. My husband has changed out so many plugs on old(er) appliances and lamps, etc... Great tutorial!

  5. I love those lamps girl!! You are SO creative. This is a great tutorial and I'm going to have to try it soon. Thanks for an awesome tutorial!

