
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Daily Photo Journal

2012 is almost over.  
The end of 2012 marks the end of a personal challenge I set for myself. 
I am doing a daily photo journal. 
I have taken one photo every day in 2012.
I post them on my personal facebook page.
I don’t post them every day.  
But I do take the picture each day and them a couple times a week I upload my pictures.
After the first of the year I will make a photo book of them. 
It’s been a lot of fun to do and has forced me to find something beautiful in each day. 
I did not give myself any guidelines other them “journal our lives”. 
I just wanted to give a peak into each day.  

Some days I take pictures of my kids, pets, the hubs or myself.  
Some days I take pictures of random things 
(a sign, sunset, toy, shoes, decorations)
that tells something about that day 
(weather, temp, how may teeth the little one has now, favorite toy, location, etc).
I edited my pictures using

It’s hard to believe it’s almost over.
When I first started it was hard I had a hard time coming up with ideas, 
then about a month in it got easy. 
I thought of so many things each day some days it was hard to pick just one 
(sometimes I couldn’t, so I did a collage). 

If you’re looking for a personal challenge I would recommend this. 
And at the end you will get such a great gift! 
I can’t wait to look back at the book years from now. 
I know it will be so special and I will be so grateful I did it.
 So will my children.

If you decide to do this in 2013 please let me know, I’d love to follow you!

Here is a link to my FB Photo Journal Album. 
(I know it’s a lot, I don’t expect you to look through them all 
but it will give you an idea if you’re interested in doing it next year!)


  1. Such a cool idea! I might have to try this! It would be neat to look back on at the end of the year!

  2. This is a wonderful idea! I hope I can remember to do this next year! Your family is beautiful and I LOVE your blog!

    The similarities between us are unreal! My stepson plays basketball too!

  3. Oh my gosh the LEGS:) Love the toes too;)

  4. I did decide to do the photo challenge for 2013...because of you ;~)

    It just seemed like a great idea, and something that I've always wanted to do. So, why not this year?!?

    FB and I have a love hate relationship, so I started a new blog on WordPress just for the Photo a Day. Here's the link if you are so inclined:

    Thanks for the kick in the butt to get it started...have a wonderful 2013!
