
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Window Message Center

I love using old items and giving them a new use.
I took an old window and added 2 saw tooth hangers on the back.
Grabbed some dry erase markers.
Hung it.
Now can it get easier than that?
It’s such an important piece in our house. 
We all use it to write our schedules, shopping lists, and to do lists.
It really works well!!!
Now I need to add "make and order Christmas Cards" to the TO DO list!


  1. Great idea! I've been wanting a window to use as a picture frame. But apparently, they are not that east or cheap to come by. Vintage is popular!

    1. Yes it is getting harder to find (at a reasonable price). Luckily we bought an old farm that they did throw anything away. We find new treasures all the time! AND MORE WORK! :)

  2. That's a great idea! You should add it to Pinterest!
    Yes, time to start thinking about your Christmas cards!



  3. I love this idea! So cute...I want to try this!

    1. Post a picture if you do! :)
      Also if you found one with broken panes you could add cork board in the empty spots and have a dry erase board and bullet board in one! :)

  4. What a great idea!! I love it. I just love old windows, and yours looks great. Thank you so much for sharing at A Bouquet of Talent again this week. :)

  5. Great Idea Suzie - We saved our old windows from that sun porch he just demo-ed to build the garage. I linked some together vertically and hung from ceiling for a open room divider in the room above the garage. But I do have a few extra - Jay has been tripping over and I fear he may have the nerve to toss them if I don't do something with the last two. You just gave me a great idea- I will use this! :)

