
Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am NOT a photographer

Ok I need to start by saying I’m NOT a photographer!!!!! 
Nor do I pretend to be one on my blog!  :)
But I do LOVE to take photos. 
It is a creative outlet for me.
I enjoy doing it but I will never make it into a business.
I am NOT business minded!!!
I always say, “you want me to work for you”.
It’s the truth.  I am a loyal employee.
Very dependable, willing to help out, hard worker.
I’m a push over….it’s OK I know that about my self.
I’m also a procrastinator....a severe procrastinator. 
And to be honest,  photography is a saturated market right now.  
There are some fabulous photographers out there that honestly 
I know I cant compete with.
But I really enjoy taking photos for FUN.
So I was excited to snap some engagement photos for my brother and his fiancé.
Here are some……
(Recognize the couch???....from the header)
These photos were all taken in Broken Bow this past Fall. 
I just never got around to posting them (I told ya I was a procrastinator)
But this past week I made a Photo book/Guest Book for them for the wedding.
Since I had them dug out and fresh in my mind I figured I would share them with you all!  

Have a Wonderful Week,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Would you buy this???

Would you buy this???
It was only $5.  Now, would you buy it?
Well I did.
I saw it on facebook on our local buy/sell/trade group.
I had no need for it, but it was only $5. 
I knew the lady who had it for sale,
I told her that I’d take it if no one else wanted it but not to hold it for me. 
I didn’t want to take it from someone who needed it.
Well no one else wanted it so I brought it home and looked for a spot. 
I found it. In the back family room. 
That room had NO place to set a drink, remote, or lamp. 
The room is filled with mismatch furniture 
and THIS CHEST OF DRAWERS I painted last fall. 
So I used the same paint color. 
I had 2 cute little helpers dressed on their “paint clothes”.
Even when helping me paint outside this is what they wear.
We live in the country…It’s OK!  :)
I did not do any prep work, no sanding or priming!
I painted 2 quick coats.
I was not too worried about being perfect since I knew I would be distressing it.
Here is a picture after the first coat.
After 2 coats.
I let it dry over night.
Then the next morning I took my radial sander and sanded down some edged.
Next, I took a dark Gel stain and dipped into it with a Q-tip 
and brushed it on the raw wood.
I also added some gel stain to the recessed areas.
I took an old t-shirt and wiped all the stain off.
It stuck on the raw wood and in the recessed areas but took the majority off the wood. 
Be sure to do small areas at a time because gel stain dries quickly. 
Since my side table is a hexagon I just did one of the 6 sides at a time.
The only thing left to do was to add the knobs back on.
I chose to only put the knob on without the back plate that use to be on it.
It was such a FAST project and CHEAP! 
I had everything on hand so it was in total $5.
I am very pleased with how it turned out.

Now I’ll ask the question again. 
Would you buy this for $5?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What do you do for Valentine's Day?

Do you have any big plans?
I love Valentine’s Day. 
Yeah, Yeah, I know everyone says it’s a commercialized holiday made by Hallmark,
A holiday centered around LOVE!!!
A holidays that reminds us to tell the people around us how much we love them,
how much we appreciate them,
and how important they are to us sounds like a good idea to me!!!
We all are so busy and don’t always make time to tell those important people
 in our lives just how special they are to us.
That being said I won't be receiving any roses today...AND THAT'S OK WITH ME
Actually the only flowers I’ve gotten in the past 2 years were wild sunflowers 
the hubs picked me from the ditch.
1. I had to ask him to ride the 4wheeler down and cut them for me.
2. They were covered in ants.
3. They were free
but, I loved them they looked beautiful in my house.
I don’t like thinking the $$$ of flowers when I could put the money towards
new drapes, clothes, or something else that will benefit the family that will last longer than a week.

My husband and I are not all lovey dovey mushy!
And If I tried to be he would probably laugh at me.

So what are our plans for today???
Family Valentine’s Day

This morning I got up and make heart shaped cinnamon rolls,
and iced them with pink icing
 (well I first grabbed the purple hence the purple-ish pink color)
We ate breakfast with candle light! 
Breakfast complete with Red juice 
(one cowgirl got a fancy glass the other got a sippy)

I then drove to town to take the 4 year old cowgirl to preschool.
I snapped this picture before we left,  odds are good that one will be dirty by noon! :)

And of course the girls get to take Valentine’s.
We did these for the kids (on squeezable juices)

These for the Teachers (on Brownie mixes)

I also bought gifts for the kids and the Hubs.
Nothing large, just a small "I LOVE YOU" gift!
I still remember a gift I got for Valentines day from my parents.
(when I was in elementary school)
It was a plastic red heart watch.
I'm sure it cost a little of nothing but I didn't care.  
It made me feel loved!  That's all that matters!

Valentine’s Family Supper tonight
The supper Menu:
Caesar Pasta Salad
Garlic Bread
Red Moscato Wine
Chocolate Cake
And of course candle light

Yes, I love Valentine’s Day!
Be sure to make a point today to tell the special people in your life 
just how special they are to you!

What do you have planned?