
Friday, May 30, 2014

DietBet PRIZES!!!!!!!

I am supper pumped about doing this DietBet.  I want to remind everyone to check in as often as possible on the DietBet site.  The more you “check-in”, post, encourage, motivate, share photos, recipes, and exercises the more likely you will stay on track AND help out fellow DietBet-ers.

If you use Instagram please use to hashtag #TaylorSuziDietBet.  Also feel free to add me @chores_chandeliers and Taylor @taylor_truckey 
This is going to be a fun month!!!!!!

We are giving away some randomly and also some the go along with some “awards”.

Here is what we have so far…..

  • Blue Stainless steel water bottle – Person who post posts and comments more on Instagram
  • Glitter Dog Leash - Person who works out with their dog most
  • Note cards – Most inspirational
  • Subway Gift Card – Person who makes the best food choices “on the go”
  • Suzi’s Favorite workout socks – Person who log the most workouts on DietBet website
  • The overall winner (according to Diet Bet) gets a Gift Card from Pink Slate Boutique to buy some new threads!!!!!

And we also have these to give as we see fit throughout the month.

  • 1 green stainless steel water bottle
  • 1 pretty little notebook for a "food journal"
  • $10 Amazon Gift Card
  • 2- $15 giftcards from Pink Slate Boutique
This kicks off Monday but weigh-ins start tomorrow (if you chose)
ALSO share the DietBet with friends on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or the old fashioned way but just telling them about it :) 

Haven't signed up yet?  
Click HERE to do so now!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My weightloss plateau and a new DietBet

Last summer I was getting ready to go to a friend’s house for a 4th of July party and I was so discouraged while I picked out an outfit.  I went to town and bought a new pair of capris and I was mortified by the size!!!!  That day I started my weight loss journey hard core {the first of the year I had made some healthy changes but still eating WAY to much CRAP}.  Since last July I have lost over 45lbs.  I cannot wait to hit the 50lb mark and share some pretty drastic before and after photos.  I have been stuck at this weight for a long time.  And I need the extra push to push me over the hump.  {AND THE POOL OPENED YESTERDAY.  Talk about motivation!!!!}

A fellow blogger Taylor over at “College Girl in an Ag World” asked me to join in and cohosting a DietBet.  I love DietBet!!!  I hand have done it in the past and really enjoyed the extra push it gave me to meet my goal.  

What is a diet bet? 
It is a fun website where you make a bet and then who ever accepts the bet joins in.
It is a $25 bet.
The bet is to lose 4% of your body fat in 1 month.
Everyone who meets the goal splits the pot.
The more people who join in the higher the potential winnings.
If you meet the goal you are guaranteed to get your money back.
It starts June 2nd and ends on June 29th. 
{YES June 29th.  That is Just in time for me to meet my 50lb goal before the 4th!} 
Where will you be by the 4th for July? Where will you be in a year? 

If you would like to accept our bet CLICK HERE!

I really hope you chose to join in!!!!! Throughout the diet bet I’ll be sharing what I have been doing to lose weight, recipes, friend encouragement and hopefully all of you will help motivate me to hit my next weightloss goal and I’ll soon me sharing my 50lbs lost reveal post!

We are giving out prizes ON TOP OF winning back your money (and possibly others money too).  You see we really want you all to meet your 4% goal!!!!  If you all make your goal then we all walk away with our money back in our pocket {and a few lbs off our frame, SCORE} but we still want to SWEETEN THE POT so we are giving away extra prizes!!!!!! These prizes will be awarded to the competitors that share the most supportive, biggest transformation, check in the most workouts, etc. Check back later this week to see what the extra prizes will be! ;) 

Still a bit confused? Not sure exactly how this works?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New patio table on old base

I often see table bases for free at actions, sales, garage sale, or just out on the curb.  The wind is famous for grabbing them and taking them for a ride leaving ONLY the base.  What can you do with just the base?????

We recently built a low deck (or wooden patio) outback.  I LOVE how it turned out and was excited to have some friends over.   
Moments before our friends showed up I was putting the umbrella in the old glass table and somehow I managed to shatter the whole thing.  Glass was everywhere!!!!!  SUCH A MESS!!!!!!  The Hubs being the proactive guy he is got it all cleaned up and hauled glass and table base out to the junk pile. We had a wonderful evening with friends even though we ate with our plate in our lap!  :)  The following day was Mother’s Day and the Hubs had bought me new chairs to go with the table {so we could stop using the cheap plastic ones we had been using, see picture above}.  But now we had no table to use them with!  Go figure!!!  My wheels started turning.  I asked the hubs to bring back down the table base from the junk pile.  He was not super impressed by the idea but he did with a smile {ok maybe more of a growl and a grumble, not that I can blame him}.  His mood quickly improved when he realized we would have a new table in less than an hour and for FREE!  We used left over wood from the deck and the decorative privacy wall/windbreak we built.

The frame
Drilled holes through it so we could attach it later
Time to start cutting boards
Laid out the table top (top side down)
Cut support boards (make sure they line up with base)
Screw them all together
Attach base with more screws
Seal with Poly

Overall this whole deck project was a fast and affordable one with a lot of impact.  The deck came together so quickly.  We started on Saturday morning around 9 and finished by 2 that afternoon.   We are now able to utilize an unused portion of the deck.  It was much needed.  We not have a shaded place out of the wind.  WIND. The wind is a huge issue so being nestled back in the corner solved that problem perfectly!!!
Here is the place before….
And the after….
We need to still plant some grass but it's SO MUCH BETTER!!!!