
Thursday, December 25, 2014

The best Christmas gift I ever received was a sore throat

The honest truth is…I am a yeller.  I am not proud of it but it is the truth.  I easily raise my voice.  I have a sharp tongue and I use it too often on my loved ones.  I am easily triggered.  I come unglued and I YELL.  I know this about myself and I try to not be this way and I fail daily. 

I have been dealing with a cold for over a week.  The morning of Christmas Eve I woke up with a horrible sore throat.  I was miserable!!!!  I could hardly speak at all.  Within minutes of waking my youngest came up to me with blue marker on her face.  I did not yet know if it was washable or permanent but I did know that we had to go to church that evening and I would be scrubbing her face to get it off one way or another. I QUIETLY whispered, “Don’t write on your face hun”.  Then minutes later I walked by and say her coloring on her stuffed puppies face with the same blue marker.  I gently took the marker from her hand and put it up out of her reach.  That is when it hit him…My point was made and no voice was raised.  I did not have to belittle my children for making a poor choice.  I did not have to yell and then feel like a failure for flipping out on my children that I love so much. I simple asked them to stop.  I stopped in my tracks and prayed, “Thank you Lord, I hear you”.  The Lord speaks to me but I don’t always listen.  To get his point across to me he has to be LOUD, in my face, and sometimes even painful (as in my horrible sore throat) for me to hear him.  As the day went on I had time and again where I would typically raise my voice.  And I every time I resisted the urge and every time I did this it was as if my throat got better and better.  By the time we went to church {Christmas Eve service} my pain was pretty much gone.  We got ready for church with no yelling or barking orders.  It was amazing!!!! 

My family and I received the best blessing ever today. My sore throat!!!

As I sit here waiting for my family to wake up to see to what gifts Santa has brought them as they slept I know the true Christmas gift came yesterday.  A great lesson was taught to me, a lesson that will be carried on into the days to come.  I will fail some days but I will rejoice in the good days and learn for the bad ones. 

Thank you Lord for my sore throat!  
It was the best Christmas gift you could have given me!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eggs

Do you give gifts to neighbors and friends?  
Cookies? Candies? Fruit basket? Bottle of wine?
We give eggs!  :)  
It sounds silly I know but we spray painted eggs cartons, 
filled them with our farm fresh eggs and tied a pretty bow.  

The cowgirls dressed up in their Christmas dresses and we delivered them 
to some neighbors, teachers, and a few friends (who were home).  

We also gave a photo,

and our Christmas letter.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

it has been a while....

Well it has been a while...what have I been up to????
Mostly just being a mom, wife, and teacher.
Things are all going amazingly!
It is currently on Christmas break from school.  
We get 2 weeks off!!!! {YAY}
I am super excited to be out on break but I am LOVING my job!  
I feel as if this is 100% where I am suppose to be!

Now that it is Christmas break I am hoping to get back on track with blogging 
and then fitting it back into my weekly schedule.

Here is a quick picture update of what I've been up too since August.
If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen most of these
{and if you don't follow me you should @chores_chandeliers}

I worked in my classroom to get my room all set up and ready for the year.

The oldest cowgirl started kindergarten this year.

Start back up a High School Art Club.

We painted business windows for homecoming.

S did great in Football.  He lettered as a freshman.

I had the opportunity to help out with one acts at school (sets and some makeup).  
We have an amazing group of kids and they went to state....and got 2nd!!!!!!  So proud of them!!!!

I cut my hair,

The littlest Cowgirl turned 3.
We celebrated during a husker game.

The next month the oldest cowgirl turned 6.
Her party consisted of a few friends and pumpkin pinata.


I lost my diamond :(

S is now wrestling.  It makes long days but we love going!!!

I won the ugly sweater contest at work.

Here are a few projects we have done so far this year a school.

The girls got their Santa letters.  Both made the "nice list".

They wanted their picture taken in the nativity...SO WE DID!!!

We are going to have a white Christmas this year!!!!

Well that was a quick update.  Check back soon for more posts from me.

Monday, July 28, 2014

balance beam

Ever since we went to the circus this spring the cowgirls have wanted a tight rope {yes one way up in the air}...ha ha yeah right, that's not happening {at least one of the cowgirls has received my coordination}.  We compromised with a balance beam.  They were on board {yay, much safer}.  The hubs is such a softy and can't tell the girls no {I on the other hand do it all the time} so he whipped it out in no time {less than a half hour from start to finish}
here is a quick photo tutorial of what he did.
THE COWGIRLS LOVE IT!!! !! {Who could blame them!}

Friday, July 25, 2014

breakfast burritos on the grill

Last week I posted {on facebook and Instagram} this picture.  I have received a lot of requests for my recipe so I decided to make a blog post to share........

Last week my family went camping and we each had to provide a meal.  I had breakfast. One of our favorite breakfasts is breakfast burritos.  I like to relax when camping so I don't want to spend all my time preparing meals. So I decided to assemble the burritos at home, wrap them in tin foil, and freeze them.  Then I just threw them on the grill that morning {they were partially dethawed when i put them on the grill}

My recipe is all approximate, because I never measure!!!!!!

1/2 lb sausage
1 cup hashbrowns (I prefer the chunk hashbrowns but I've used both and both work fine)
6 eggs
1 package taco seasoning
Tortilla shells
Shredded cheese

Brown the sausage in a skillet, season with 1/3 of the packet of taco seasoning, set aside.
In the same skilled cook the hashbrowns and season them with 1/3 of the taco seasoning, set aside.
(I like add in peppers with the hashbrowns when I have them on hand)
In the same skillet scramble up 6 eggs with the remaining 1/3 of the taco seasoning.
Mix the Sausage, hashbrowns, and eggs together in the skillet.
Assemble the burritos in tortilla shells, with the mixture and shredded cheese.
You can either eat them now, OR wrap in tin foil and freeze for later!
Serve with salsa.

This should make about 6-8 burrittos 
{depending on how how big of shells you use and how full you stuff them}

Definitely a Suzi HomeFakeer worthy recipe!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

nothing a little rust and distressing wont fix!!!

My mom had this old hutch and she asked me to redo it for her.
It has been hanging out in my garage for months!
{don't worry} It had good company,
I have other furniture out there waiting to be 'fixed up'. 
This past week I finally started in.
It was a simple 1 day project (my favorite kind)

She gave me complete creative control.  
Her only request was to get rid of the ugly plastic windows. 
I had no idea what color to paint it.
So I went 'shopping' in the mis-mix paint section of the lumber yard.
After picking my paint color it was time to do the prep work.
removing hardware+sanding=boring 
I always knew what I was going to do with the windows.
Chicken wire!!!
When we did the coop we had VERY LITTLE left over
and the hubs wanted to throw it away.
I stashed it away in a safe place for a future project.
I am so glad I did .  It was perfect for this hutch!!!!!
I love that there is some rust on the chicken wire!!!!
Click here to see my technique for painting and distressing. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

classroom projects have begun

My wheels have been turning since I accepted the job.  If you haven't heard yet I am the new art teacher at a nearby school.  I will be teaching K-12 Art.  I am SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!  I have so many ideas.  Classroom layout, decorating ideas, lesson plans, classroom rules, hallways displays, oh the list go on....

Where do I start? I sat down an wrote down lesson plan ideas for all grades and tried to map out the first few projects we will do for each.  I don't have class numbers yet and my classroom is under construction so I can't get in there to really feel things out much.  But I am getting new windows and sinks.  I am pretty darn excited about that!!!

I started a few projects here at the house.  A chair (for my desk), a coat tree (I can't stand jackets on the floor, they are trip hazards and it's the art room so there are a lot of spills), and a piece of wood (to make a sign out of).

I started by painting them all turquoise last week.
Then today I painted "Mrs. Campbell" on the wood and took a sander to it to distress. 
I just added some ribbon (by stapling it to the back) to hang it with.
(yeah I match, it wasn't planned)
Next I took the sander to the chair to rough it up and then I recovered the seat.  
I found a beach towel on clearance and I LOVED the pattern.
It was a cheap and practical "fabric" to use.
Cute huh???
Recovering a seat is easy!  All you need is fabric, scissors, stapler, and staples.
I just go over the original seat cover.
I love how the chair turned out and I have a bunch of "fabric" left over for other projects. 
And then lastly I distressed the coat tree with the sander. 
 My 1st 3 classroom projects are finished!
I can't wait to get into my room and start getting it all set up and organized!!
Here are a few of my other purchases for my room...Oh the possibilities

DietBet Winners posted

Our DietBet has came to an end.
It was so much fun and we lost 329lbs as a group!!!!  
Congrats to EVERYONE who joined it!!!
Click here to head over to Taylor's blog to see the extra winners!
Remember, if you won you need to send Taylor ( )
an email with your mailing address so we are able to send out your prizes!

I met my personal goal of hitting my 50lbs lost since last year at this time!  
Check back soon to see my before and after post!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

I finally ordered my 'Daily Photo Journal' BOOK

In 2012 I took a photo a day to make a "Daily Photo Journal"
It was a fun challenge and I knew I would have an amazing gift for the family at the end.  I always intended on making a photo book BUT I never got it ordered.  I honestly was unsure of where I would order it from {that is a lot of pages}. AND my computer crashed and I lost all of the pictures.  Luckily I was sharing them on Facebook so I was able to get the off of there {the quality was not as good but at least I have them}.  So this past week I got on Shutterfly and put the book together.  I left a lot of white space so I am able to go in a hand write info in{kind of like a scarp book}.      
You can see it here....
Turn your favorite photos into a photo book at

I'll definitely be doing another photo journal again!  

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Midwestern Girl Diet” Suzi HomeFaker Style {recipe}

I’ve had many ask me how I have lost my weight so far.  Well when I tell most they cringe because they think it sounds horrible.  But I cringe when I hear people are drinking a shake in place of a meal.  We all just do what works best for us individually.  So, what have I been doing???  I call it the “Midwestern Girl Diet”.  Ha Ha.  Ok not really but it kind of fits.  

I eat MEAT! 
By 'meat' I don’t mean I eat chicken and fish for every meal.  Although I do eat both chicken and fish I also eat steak, pork chops, roast, brisket, brauts, bacon, etc.  Doesn’t sound like a diet huh?  Well this next part is what makes people cringe. 

I don’t eat bread, pasta or potatoes (often). 
I well I eat them on special occasions, or when we are at someone’s house.  Since it is not a medical reason I don’t want to be a pain.  When I do eat these things I try to opt for wheat versions of my pasta, and breads.  I DO eat tortilla shells!  (Preferably wheat but not always.) .  I honestly feel amazing not eating all the extra starch and the weight has just fallen off! 

This is NOT a no carb diet!!!  
I eat a ton of carbs!  About 1/3 of my diet consists of carbs. The majority of my carbohydrates come through fruit, veggies, yogurt, and beans (I am sort of obsessed with black beans)! 

So what do I eat? 
I obviously eat a lot of meat, and then I fill in with a lot of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, yogurts, cheese. 

I don’t want to make separate meals for my whole family!  So I make a meat dish and vegetables we can all enjoy. The rest of my family will sometimes have some bread or a baked potato which is really no extra effort for me.  Then we get to set down and enjoy the same meal (for the most part) together.  Yes there is times I want a potato too but this option is MUCH BETTER than making them a meal and I sit there and sip a shake or eat a microwave meal as they eat a nice meal I prepared (not going to lie I’ve tried that and it made me PISSY, a hungry woman is not a nice woman).

I still enjoy my occasional sweets!  I am human!!!! 

How much have I lost? 
I am currently down about 45lbs.  I am excited to do a reveal post when hit the 50lb mark and show some pretty incredible before and afters (fully clothed, no bikini shots for me!)  I am currently co-hosting a DietBet and hoping it gives me the motivation to hit my 50lb goal. 

This has works well for me but I also know it is not for everyone!!!!  Luckily I am not doing it alone.  I have some great supporters who are cheering me on all the way AND better yet if have god on my side.  CLICK HERE to read about the beginning of my weight loss journey and how it helped me come to terms with my journey and my goals ahead.  

Here is a favorite go to recipe of mine!
  • Brown 1/2 lb hamburger
  • 1 packet of taco seasoning {you can make your own, I do}
  • 1 can undrained black beans
  • Jalapeños
  • Simmer for a few minutes to thicken
  • DONE!!!
  • You can eat it on tortilla shells, over lettuce as a salad {delish}, plain in a bowl {like Mexican chili}, the hubs likes it on baked potatoes {of course he does}. 
  • You top it with your favorite toppings, salsa, cheese, tomatoes, peppers, etc. 
There is a quick video demo on my Instagram you can find me at @chores_chandeliers

Of course fresh veggies are best but my garden is not yet producing.  But the local farmers market opens tomorrow so I'll be hitting that up! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

DietBet PRIZES!!!!!!!

I am supper pumped about doing this DietBet.  I want to remind everyone to check in as often as possible on the DietBet site.  The more you “check-in”, post, encourage, motivate, share photos, recipes, and exercises the more likely you will stay on track AND help out fellow DietBet-ers.

If you use Instagram please use to hashtag #TaylorSuziDietBet.  Also feel free to add me @chores_chandeliers and Taylor @taylor_truckey 
This is going to be a fun month!!!!!!

We are giving away some randomly and also some the go along with some “awards”.

Here is what we have so far…..

  • Blue Stainless steel water bottle – Person who post posts and comments more on Instagram
  • Glitter Dog Leash - Person who works out with their dog most
  • Note cards – Most inspirational
  • Subway Gift Card – Person who makes the best food choices “on the go”
  • Suzi’s Favorite workout socks – Person who log the most workouts on DietBet website
  • The overall winner (according to Diet Bet) gets a Gift Card from Pink Slate Boutique to buy some new threads!!!!!

And we also have these to give as we see fit throughout the month.

  • 1 green stainless steel water bottle
  • 1 pretty little notebook for a "food journal"
  • $10 Amazon Gift Card
  • 2- $15 giftcards from Pink Slate Boutique
This kicks off Monday but weigh-ins start tomorrow (if you chose)
ALSO share the DietBet with friends on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or the old fashioned way but just telling them about it :) 

Haven't signed up yet?  
Click HERE to do so now!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My weightloss plateau and a new DietBet

Last summer I was getting ready to go to a friend’s house for a 4th of July party and I was so discouraged while I picked out an outfit.  I went to town and bought a new pair of capris and I was mortified by the size!!!!  That day I started my weight loss journey hard core {the first of the year I had made some healthy changes but still eating WAY to much CRAP}.  Since last July I have lost over 45lbs.  I cannot wait to hit the 50lb mark and share some pretty drastic before and after photos.  I have been stuck at this weight for a long time.  And I need the extra push to push me over the hump.  {AND THE POOL OPENED YESTERDAY.  Talk about motivation!!!!}

A fellow blogger Taylor over at “College Girl in an Ag World” asked me to join in and cohosting a DietBet.  I love DietBet!!!  I hand have done it in the past and really enjoyed the extra push it gave me to meet my goal.  

What is a diet bet? 
It is a fun website where you make a bet and then who ever accepts the bet joins in.
It is a $25 bet.
The bet is to lose 4% of your body fat in 1 month.
Everyone who meets the goal splits the pot.
The more people who join in the higher the potential winnings.
If you meet the goal you are guaranteed to get your money back.
It starts June 2nd and ends on June 29th. 
{YES June 29th.  That is Just in time for me to meet my 50lb goal before the 4th!} 
Where will you be by the 4th for July? Where will you be in a year? 

If you would like to accept our bet CLICK HERE!

I really hope you chose to join in!!!!! Throughout the diet bet I’ll be sharing what I have been doing to lose weight, recipes, friend encouragement and hopefully all of you will help motivate me to hit my next weightloss goal and I’ll soon me sharing my 50lbs lost reveal post!

We are giving out prizes ON TOP OF winning back your money (and possibly others money too).  You see we really want you all to meet your 4% goal!!!!  If you all make your goal then we all walk away with our money back in our pocket {and a few lbs off our frame, SCORE} but we still want to SWEETEN THE POT so we are giving away extra prizes!!!!!! These prizes will be awarded to the competitors that share the most supportive, biggest transformation, check in the most workouts, etc. Check back later this week to see what the extra prizes will be! ;) 

Still a bit confused? Not sure exactly how this works?