
Thursday, December 25, 2014

The best Christmas gift I ever received was a sore throat

The honest truth is…I am a yeller.  I am not proud of it but it is the truth.  I easily raise my voice.  I have a sharp tongue and I use it too often on my loved ones.  I am easily triggered.  I come unglued and I YELL.  I know this about myself and I try to not be this way and I fail daily. 

I have been dealing with a cold for over a week.  The morning of Christmas Eve I woke up with a horrible sore throat.  I was miserable!!!!  I could hardly speak at all.  Within minutes of waking my youngest came up to me with blue marker on her face.  I did not yet know if it was washable or permanent but I did know that we had to go to church that evening and I would be scrubbing her face to get it off one way or another. I QUIETLY whispered, “Don’t write on your face hun”.  Then minutes later I walked by and say her coloring on her stuffed puppies face with the same blue marker.  I gently took the marker from her hand and put it up out of her reach.  That is when it hit him…My point was made and no voice was raised.  I did not have to belittle my children for making a poor choice.  I did not have to yell and then feel like a failure for flipping out on my children that I love so much. I simple asked them to stop.  I stopped in my tracks and prayed, “Thank you Lord, I hear you”.  The Lord speaks to me but I don’t always listen.  To get his point across to me he has to be LOUD, in my face, and sometimes even painful (as in my horrible sore throat) for me to hear him.  As the day went on I had time and again where I would typically raise my voice.  And I every time I resisted the urge and every time I did this it was as if my throat got better and better.  By the time we went to church {Christmas Eve service} my pain was pretty much gone.  We got ready for church with no yelling or barking orders.  It was amazing!!!! 

My family and I received the best blessing ever today. My sore throat!!!

As I sit here waiting for my family to wake up to see to what gifts Santa has brought them as they slept I know the true Christmas gift came yesterday.  A great lesson was taught to me, a lesson that will be carried on into the days to come.  I will fail some days but I will rejoice in the good days and learn for the bad ones. 

Thank you Lord for my sore throat!  
It was the best Christmas gift you could have given me!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eggs

Do you give gifts to neighbors and friends?  
Cookies? Candies? Fruit basket? Bottle of wine?
We give eggs!  :)  
It sounds silly I know but we spray painted eggs cartons, 
filled them with our farm fresh eggs and tied a pretty bow.  

The cowgirls dressed up in their Christmas dresses and we delivered them 
to some neighbors, teachers, and a few friends (who were home).  

We also gave a photo,

and our Christmas letter.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

it has been a while....

Well it has been a while...what have I been up to????
Mostly just being a mom, wife, and teacher.
Things are all going amazingly!
It is currently on Christmas break from school.  
We get 2 weeks off!!!! {YAY}
I am super excited to be out on break but I am LOVING my job!  
I feel as if this is 100% where I am suppose to be!

Now that it is Christmas break I am hoping to get back on track with blogging 
and then fitting it back into my weekly schedule.

Here is a quick picture update of what I've been up too since August.
If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen most of these
{and if you don't follow me you should @chores_chandeliers}

I worked in my classroom to get my room all set up and ready for the year.

The oldest cowgirl started kindergarten this year.

Start back up a High School Art Club.

We painted business windows for homecoming.

S did great in Football.  He lettered as a freshman.

I had the opportunity to help out with one acts at school (sets and some makeup).  
We have an amazing group of kids and they went to state....and got 2nd!!!!!!  So proud of them!!!!

I cut my hair,

The littlest Cowgirl turned 3.
We celebrated during a husker game.

The next month the oldest cowgirl turned 6.
Her party consisted of a few friends and pumpkin pinata.


I lost my diamond :(

S is now wrestling.  It makes long days but we love going!!!

I won the ugly sweater contest at work.

Here are a few projects we have done so far this year a school.

The girls got their Santa letters.  Both made the "nice list".

They wanted their picture taken in the nativity...SO WE DID!!!

We are going to have a white Christmas this year!!!!

Well that was a quick update.  Check back soon for more posts from me.